MacBook Pro 2015 Battery Replacement


Are you facing dwindling battery life on your MacBook Pro 2015? Don’t worry you are not alone. Batteries deteriorate over time, and after a few years, you might experience a significant drop in performance. Fortunately replacing the battery on your MacBook Pro 2015 can breathe new life into your beloved device. In this article we will provide a comprehensive guide on MacBook Pro 2015 battery replacement.

An image of a MacBook Pro 2015 with the back cover removed, revealing the interior components and a new battery ready for replacement
Revive your MacBook Pro 2015 with a new battery

MacBook Pro 2015 Battery Replacement Kits:-

Kit Name Compatibility Price (Approx.) Rating (Out of 5)
iFixit Battery Kit MacBook Pro 2015 $80 – $100 4.7
OWC Battery Upgrade MacBook Pro 2015 $100 – $120 4.5
Anker Battery Kit MacBook Pro 2015 $70 – $90 4.3
Generic Battery MacBook Pro 2015 $50 – $70 3.9


An iFixit Battery Kit, suitable for MacBook Pro 2015, featuring a replacement battery and tools for a DIY upgrade
Upgrade your MacBook Pro 2015 with the iFixit Battery Kit for improved performance and longer battery life for more detail see table

The Importance of Replacing Your MacBook Pro 2015 Battery:-

Your MacBook Pro 2015’s battery after a few years of use, may not hold a charge as it used to. Here’s why it is essential to replace it:

  • Improved Performance: A new battery can significantly enhance your MacBook’s battery life, allowing you to work on the go without constantly hunting for a power outlet.
  • Prevent Overheating: Older, deteriorating batteries may cause your MacBook to overheat potentially damaging internal components.
  • Cost-Effective: Replacing the battery is often more cost effective than buying a new laptop.

Step-by-Step Guide to MacBook Pro 2015 Battery Replacement:-

Gather Your Tools:

  • Appropriate replacement battery kit.
  • Screwdrivers (Phillips #00 and Torx T5).
  • Spudger or plastic card.
  • A heat gun or hairdryer.

Backup Your Data:

  • Always backup your data before starting any hardware replacement.

Shut Down Your MacBook:

  • Ensure your MacBook is completely powered off.

Remove the Screws:

  • Carefully remove the screws securing the back cover.

Disconnect the Battery:

  • Use a spudger or plastic card to disconnect the battery from the logic board.

Replace the Battery:

  • Insert the new battery in place and reconnect it to the logic board.

Secure the Screws:

  • Put back the screws to secure the battery and close the back cover.

Power On:

  • Turnon your MacBook Pro and check if the battery is recognized and charging.
Elevate your MacBook Pro 2015 with the Anker Battery Kit for extended power and performance

Extend Battery Life:-

Replacing your MacBook Pro 2015 battery is only one part of the equation. To maximize the lifespan of your new battery, consider these tips:

  • Optimize Power Settings: Adjust your power settings to reduce battery drain. Lower the screen brightness, disable unnecessary background apps, and enable energy-saving features.
  • Regularly Calibrate the Battery: Calibrating your battery helps your MacBook accurately gauge its charge. To do this, fully charge your MacBook, then use it until it shuts down. Recharge it to 100% without interruptions.
  • Keep the Battery Cool: Excessive heat can accelerate battery wear. Ensure your MacBook operates in a well-ventilated area and doesn’t overheat.
  • Use Original Chargers: Always use the original charger or certified third-party chargers. Low-quality chargers can damage your battery.

Pros and Cons of DIY vs. Professional Replacement:-

 DIY Replacement:-


  • Cost-effective.
  • Control over the process.
  • Satisfaction of doing it yourself.


  • Voided warranty (if still applicable).
  • Risk of damaging your MacBook.

Professional Replacement:-


  • Expertise and experience.
  • No risk of voiding warranty.
  • Peace of mind.


  • Higher cost.


  • iFixit Battery Kits
  • OWC Battery Upgrades
  • Anker Battery Kit
  • Apple MacBook Pro Battery Replacement



Can I use a battery from a different MacBook model?

No, it’s crucial to use a battery compatible with the MacBook Pro 2015 to ensure proper functionality.

How long does a new battery last?

A high-quality replacement battery can last 2 to 4 years depending on usage.

Can I replace the battery myself without any technical skills?

While it is possible it is recommended to have some technical skills and follow a guide closely. Professional assistance is also an option.

What signs indicate that it’s time to replace my MacBook Pro 2015 battery?

Look for symptoms like a significantly reduced battery life, frequent shutdowns even at higher charge levels and a battery that does not charge properly. These are clear indicators that it is time for a replacement.

Is it possible to replace the battery without affecting my MacBook’s data and settings?

Yes, when you replace the battery your MacBook’s data and settings should remain intact. However, it is always a good practice to back up your data before any hardware replacement to be on the safe side.

How long does it take to replace the battery on a MacBook Pro 2015?

The time required for a battery replacement depends on your technical skills and experience. An expert can normally finish the substitution in around 30 to 60 minutes, while a DIY replacement could take more time, particularly if it is your most memorable time.

Can I use a third-party battery replacement kit, or should I stick with an original Apple battery?

You can use a third-party battery replacement kit for however long it is of great and explicitly intended for the MacBook Pro 2015. Make certain to really look at reviews and user feedback for unwavering quality and similarity.

Is it possible to upgrade to a higher capacity battery for my MacBook Pro 2015?

The MacBook Pro 2015 is designed to work with a particular battery capacity and it is not prudent to introduce a battery with a higher capacity as it might prompt similarity issues. Stick to a battery that matches the original specifications.

Can I recycle the old battery from my MacBook Pro 2015?

Yes, it’s essential to properly dispose of your old battery. Apple provides recycling programs, and many electronic recycling centers accept old laptop batteries. Be sure to follow your local regulations for battery disposal.

MacBook Battery Replacement


MacBook Pro 2015 battery replacement is a worthwhile endeavor, breathing new life into your laptop and improving its performance. Whether you choose to go the DIY route or opt for professional assistance, a new battery can extend the lifespan of your MacBook Pro 2015 and keep it running smoothly.

Replacing the battery of your MacBook Pro 2015 is a cost effective solution to restore its performance. Whether you choose to do it yourself or seek professional help your MacBook can enjoy a new lease of life with an improved battery. Always remember to back up your data and choose a reliable replacement kit to ensure a smooth and successful battery replacement.

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